Living and Learning in Jerusalem: Embracing Torah and Unity During Challenging Times

Since moving to Jerusalem in early April, I’ve been struck by how every day here feels like a gift despite the challenges of living in a place under constant threat. Whether it’s news of battles in Gaza or missiles from Syria and Lebanon, the reality of living in a land so often at war is always present. Yet, life here is so much more than these headlines.

One of the things that has enriched my time here is the incredible opportunity to study Torah in person, nearly every day, with some truly exceptional teachers. There’s a deep sense of community in these learning spaces, where men, women, children, and mixed groups come together, bonded by our shared heritage and the pursuit of wisdom. It’s hard to describe how much the Torah and halacha—Jewish law—shape our lives here. They guide everything, from how we interact with one another to how we care for the land and even how we understand the concept of war.

With Shavuot just around the corner, I’ve found myself reflecting on this particular time when, according to our tradition, the Jewish people stood at the base of Mount Sinai and received the Torah over 3,300 years ago. This isn’t just an ancient story; it’s a living, breathing part of who we are today.

Counting of the Omer

The forty-nine days between Passover and Shavuot are marked by a practice called “Counting the Omer.” Initially tied to sacrificial offerings in the ancient Temples of Jerusalem, today, it is a period for personal growth, a time to prepare ourselves spiritually to receive the Torah anew. Here in Jerusalem, spring is in full bloom, and as I walk the streets lined with fruit trees, there’s a sense of renewal and anticipation in the air. (*1)

Pursuing Spiritual Fulfillment

During these weeks, many of us dive into the teachings of Pirkei Avot, or the Ethics of the Fathers, which is filled with wisdom on how to live a meaningful life. One teaching that has particularly resonated with me this year is from Chapter 1, verse 3:

“Do not be like slaves who serve their master for the sake of reward, but be like slaves who serve their master not for the sake of reward.” (*2)

This idea, as Rabbi Moshe Snow of the OU Teaching Center in Jerusalem explained, reminds us that the valid reward of Torah study isn’t material but spiritual—a deep, abiding connection to something greater than ourselves. (*3)

Weekly Torah Study

One of the resources that has been invaluable to me is the weekly Torah Tidbits magazine, published by the OU here in Jerusalem. It’s a free publication filled with insights on the weekly Torah portion, and it’s become a regular part of my Shabbat preparations. (*4)

All-Night Torah Study

As we approach Shavuot, I’m particularly looking forward to the all-night Torah study sessions held in communities worldwide. These sessions culminate in a sunrise prayer service, where we read the Torah portion recounting the Ten Commandments. There’s something profoundly moving about being part of a community committed to learning and growing together, especially in these challenging times.

Unity and Strength

In a place like Israel, where the threat of war is never far from our minds, it’s easy to see our military strength as the backbone of our security. But living here has shown me that our true strength comes from our unity, faith, and unwavering commitment to the Torah’s values. We are commanded to stand up for one another, to redeem hostages, and never stand idly by when we see our brothers and sisters in danger.

Israeli influencer Sivan Rahav-Meir captured this sentiment beautifully in her Shavuot message:

“The festival of Shavuot calls upon us to rise to the next level — that of authentic unity, unity for its own sake… We simply gathered joyfully at Mount Sinai, and there, we received our identity.” (*5)

In many ways, this message feels more urgent than ever. The unity we find through our shared history and values sustains us and will carry us forward, no matter our challenges.

A Night of Learning with Rav Kook’s Wisdom

Recently, I attended a class with Rabbi Goldscheider (*6), who shared some of Rav Kook‘s ideas about learning on Shavuot night. What struck me most was his advice to study what truly speaks to your heart and to remember the importance of taking care of your physical health as a foundation for spiritual growth. It was a refreshing reminder that Torah study isn’t just an intellectual exercise but a holistic journey involving the mind, body, and soul.

As I prepare for Shavuot this year, I’m filled with gratitude—for the learning, the community, and the opportunity to be part of this incredible tradition. I wish everyone a hag sameach, a joyous holiday filled with the kind of unity and peace that Shavuot represents. May we all find ourselves under the Divine Umbrella of Peace and Justice, living in harmony with one another and the world.

Wishing you a holiday filled with learning, growth, and unity.


  1. “What Is the Counting of the Omer?”,
  2. “Pirkei Avot: The Translated Text, Selected Insights, Audio Classes, and Stories for the Children.”,
  3. Rabbi Moshe Snow. “Author Bio.” Otzar HaTorah,
  4. Faculty of the OU. “Torah Tidbits: Parshat Bechukotai – Issue 1566 – Individual Articles.” Torah Tidbits,
  5. Rahav-Meir, Sivan. Daily WhatsApp. Translated by Yehoshua Siskin,
  6. OU Israel. “Video Library.” OU Israel, Orthodox Union,