Bearing Witness to the events of October 7 in Israel and the Diaspora

Since October 7, Israel has been engaged in a state of war with Hamas, profoundly disrupting the lives of Israelis, numerous Jewish communities, and individuals worldwide who hold a concern for Israel, myself included.

My personal characteristic is always a tendency to observe first and to dampen my emotional reactions initially. This has served me well over the last five months, enabling me to act and explore all aspects of the current war in Israel, Canada and the US in person and on media channels without being weighed down by emotional reactions. But after five months of continuous observation, learning, and firsthand experiences, I want to share my observations and reflections.

Personal Impact

Since October 7, any projects I had been working on were immediately put on hold due to the ongoing crisis. This pushed me to closely monitor mainstream and social media in both Israel and Canada, as well as to join new WhatsApp groups. After five months, I have become more adept at navigating social media and have developed a critical eye towards the ideologies influencing news channels. While scientists are aware of their personal biases in research, few people are mindful of how news outlets may be influenced by the biases of their reporters or owners. This newfound awareness is a crucial benefit that should be addressed by all of us.

Francisco Gil-White, notes that most people shape their understanding of reality and truth based on the information they receive from the media.*1 During Hitler’s rule in Germany, the German people were constantly exposed to propaganda that demonized Jewish people through stories, films, and cartoons. One of the primary propaganda newspapers was called Der Sturmer. According to Der Sturmer, “Jewish businessmen were often portrayed as doing almost anything to obtain financial wealth, which included, “being a usurer, a traitor, a murderer.” In the summer of 1931, Julius Streicher, the editor of Der Sturmer focused much of the paper’s attention on a Jewish-owned butcher shop. When the philanthropic merchant started operating a soup kitchen, Der Stürmer ran articles accusing him of poisoning the food being served. Der Stürmer criticized and cherrypicked every single price increase and decrease in Jewish shops, as well as their charitable donations, denouncing them as a further form of financial greed.” *(2)

Julius Streicher, was one of those convicted and sentenced to hang for ‘crimes against humanity’ by the Nuremberg court trial of Nazi leaders after the war because “he was found to have continued his vitriolic antisemitic propaganda even while he was well aware that Jews were being murdered.”*3 Those who promote lies are just as guilty as those who commit criminal acts! But as Francisco Gil-White reminds us, most people have no way of judging whether the media they consume presents a truthful picture of reality.

A Call for Nuanced Media Consumption

In conflict situations like the Israel war, it is crucial to approach the news we consume with a critical eye. We should strive to ensure that the perspectives we encounter are not inadvertently influenced by one-sided propaganda. It is also essential to consider whether our chosen news sources provide a platform for a range of voices, including those of Israeli sources and mainstream leaders of the Jewish community.

I have made it a practice to view many media outlets. One sure sign of bias is when the media source consistently features pro-Palestinian spokespersons discussing topics like “genocide” in Gaza and “famine” without providing an Israeli perspective. Unfortunately, even usually reputable outlets like CBC News have been flagged for this form of bias, as illustrated by many posts by Honest Reporting, an NGO that monitors media bias against Israel.*4

Impact of the October 7th attack on Israel and the Diaspora 

Before October 7, many Israelis and Jews around the world had strong faith in the the capacity of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to safeguard Israel. The State of Israel was established by a UN vote as a safe haven for Jews escaping the scourge of antisemitism worldwide.  However, on October 7th, this confidence was rudely challenged when all of Israel’s meticulously developed defence systems were breached and rendered ineffective along the southern Gaza border.

One of the miracles of October 7th is that the forces unleashed against Israel got no further than they did. They were stopped by ordinary citizens responding to the call to help and save fellow brethren wherever they were to be found.

I was in Israel on October 7th, I witnessed the remarkable assistance provided by Israeli citizens to over 200,000 Israeli families internally displaced that had to be evacuated due to threats from Hamas in Gaza in the south and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria in the north. I wrote about this and I refer you to my blog post, “My Journey in Israel from October 7-12: A Chronicle of the Jewish Community’s Resilience.”

Subsequently, from October 12th to January 4th, while in Montreal, I observed the mobilization of Israel supporters within the international Jewish community. This collective effort manifested in a powerful display of solidarity with Israel. at the Washington, D.C. Mall, on November 14, 2023. 200,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds congregated to denounce Hamas violence and antisemitism and to offer unwavering support to Israel. Jews and non-Jews spoke eloquently and it is all recorded on YouTube.

Americans March for Israel, the Rally at the Washington Mall, November 14, 2023.

A Witness Mission to Israel’s Communities

On January 4th, 2024, I returned to Israel. I had the privilege of being a part of the Montreal Federation Mission of Witness to Israel, January 14 -19. Visiting the devastation that had struck the beautiful kibbutz of Nir Oz was one of the most heart-wrenching experiences I’ve ever had. Despite the pain of the experience, it was an honour to be guided by a kibbutz member who knew every family and their stories. The trip also included visiting Sderot City Hall, where we were shown the brutal events of October 7th Saturday morning at 6:30 am on October 7on their TV screens which captured the very first moments of the invasion at 6;30 am on their Main Street as the truck with machine guns and armed militants in an open truck drove up the Main Street: There was one car on the road carrying a large family with many children that was attacked, the parents murdered and the children found wandering hours later.

Despite all the horrific attacks, we were also witnesses to the beauty of human kindness as ordinary citizens risked their lives to rescue those in danger during the Nova Festival and in every location.

“We visited the Beer Sheva City Hall and met with their charismatic Mayor who continues to follow up on the welfare of his citizens evacuated all over Israel to hotels housing displaced families. We were taken to see new housing developments in Beer Sheva, which are being offered to families currently housed in hotels around Israel to provide them with a semblance of normalcy for the daily lives of their children, via schools and daycares while the war is going on.

We were taken to Siroka Hospital which has a helipad to receive the wounded and to Ben Gurion University where we visited two amazing research units: one that researches 3-D printing for bones required for reconstructive surgery of all kinds at Siroka Hospital across the street. This is already happening with custom-fitted bones being 3-D printed for specific needs. We also met with the Director of the Ben Gurion University Social Work Department, Dr. Talia Meital Schwartz Tayri who has developed an app that can keep a record of all displaced families in Israel, keeping track of their welfare by noting their needs and how they are being addressed, whether they be physical, i.e., housing, food, schooling, or mental, addressing trauma, etc. This app can keep track of the welfare of all of the families all over Israel and how they are being addressed! Something like that could be a Godsend in Canada as well where services are rarely coordinated or digitized as yet, even in hospitals.

We also learned that financial support and volunteer services began flowing from the worldwide diaspora from day 1: money to provide army supplies, ammunition, and equipment of all kinds, and volunteer services to replace the labour of reservists called up to serve. We were taken to Centers for nourishment, pop-up cafes, feeding stations, and warehouses for supplies that were instantly created by volunteers on the ground in Israel to supply the needs of the soldiers and the displaced families; These continue to be supplied and staffed by volunteers and we could see how the soldiers of the IDF are supplied daily on a wing and a prayer.

Many of the visiting foreign missions like ours also provide volunteer services. One day we participated in bagging hamburger lunches provided by a restaurant in Jerusalem, hamburgers, beautifully bagged with notes of encouragement; On another day we assisted with a barbecue with all the trimmings for a platoon of soldiers set up in a large field; We also went to an orchard to pick bushels of oranges along with other volunteers from all parts of the country who had shown up.

Through this mission, we gained a deeper understanding of the plight of these communities and the power of human empathy and compassion.

The Hostages

The plight of the hostages remains firmly etched in the consciousness of Jews worldwide and Israelis alike. Over 200 individuals were taken captive by Hamas, with more than 100 still enduring the ordeal. In Tel Aviv, adjacent to Hostage Square, a huge plaza in front of the Tel Aviv Art Museum, a prominent digital clock serves as a relentless reminder, marking the days, minutes and seconds that our hostages are still in captivity – now exceeding 150 days – since their captivity began.

Close by there is an office building that has been dedicated to the needs of the families of the hostages. It is equipped with all necessary resources, including computers and communication facilities, places where they can sleep and eat and join together for support and networking to bring the hostages back. Here, they find refuge, sustenance, and solace free of charge, fostering a community where mutual support and solidarity thrive. These families have embarked on journeys far and wide, amplifying their voices on behalf of their loved ones. I have witnessed their presence and impassioned pleas during intimate gatherings at private homes in Montreal and in public venues in Montreal. This has been a sobering experience.

In Montreal, demonstrations advocating for the release of the hostages have unfolded in various locations, from the offices of the Red Cross to the steps of City Hall and Place des Arts. Through these collective efforts, a sense of unity prevails, underlining the importance of standing together, particularly in times of adversity.

Honouring Fallen Soldiers

It’s with heavy hearts that we confront the frequent announcements of young soldiers fallen in battle. Each day, the nation collectively mourns the profound loss of these brave souls who have willingly made the ultimate sacrifice. Our commitment to supporting their grieving families remains unwavering. Recognizing this solemn reality, the IDF has established a website to honour and memorialize those who laid down their lives in this conflict and the website also has statistics collected daily by Israeli authorities.

I am grateful for my deep-rooted Jewish identity, ingrained through heritage and upbringing that has enabled me to navigate this crisis without being overwhelmed: When adversity strikes, our rabbis counsel us to bolster our spiritual practices—embracing acts of kindness, prayer, reciting psalms, and active participation in communal gatherings. All of these activities are powerful supports.

Lessons of Resilience

Last summer I undertook a journey with my Montreal synagogue congregation and our revered Rabbi Poupko. Visiting key Jewish sites in Poland with our guide, Tzvi Sperber, including the haunting remnants of concentration camps, illuminated the enduring legacy of Jewish existence in the region, that previously spanned hundreds of years. Witnessing the resilience of our ancestors in the face of unimaginable horror, as well as their subsequent contributions to the founding and prosperity of Israel, instilled in me a profound sense of pride in how our people addressed the impossible hurricane of the Nazi assault and its aftermath. It reaffirmed my belief that we will emerge from this crisis more vital than ever.


While personal pursuits were temporarily set aside due to the events of October 7, this pales in comparison to the sacrifices made by countless others. The veneer of invincibility was shattered and also exposed the pervasive anti-Israel bias of many mainstream media sites. Yet, amidst the chaos, ordinary individuals displayed extraordinary courage, fostering global solidarity as a formidable defence against ongoing hostility. Our struggle for the return of our hostages, alongside our grief for the loss of so many young and promising lives and ongoing support for our bereaved families, serves as a poignant reminder of our interconnectedness as a worldwide Jewish community.

My Jewish heritage is a guiding light in these turbulent times, imparting resilience and fortitude. It fuels my unwavering belief that, as we have throughout history, we will overcome all adversity with our steadfast unity and determination to overcome all challenges.



*1 Francisco Gil-White, The paradox of antisemitic thinking and the influence of the media in perpetuating it.

*2 Der Sturmer, Nazi antisemitic weekly newspaper, editor Julius Streicher

*3 Julius streicher, editor of Der Sturmer

*4 Honest Reporting, an NGO that monitors media bias.



Mobilizing Communities to Stand Up for Israel

The Israel-Hamas conflict, rooted in historical animosities, has sparked a global surge in antisemitism. Following the breach of the Israeli border and the unprovoked attack by Hamas on October 7, the international Jewish community has rallied together, mobilizing various communities to express solidarity with Israel. This unity was notably evident at the Washington, D.C. Mall, where 200,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds convened to condemn Hamas violence and stand in support of those affected.

The Washington, D.C. event attracted people from various communities, including Jewish and non-Jewish politicians, representatives from Black, Christian, and Iranian communities, and families directly impacted by the crisis. The atmosphere at the gathering was intense yet joyous, with a collective determination to denounce Hamas violence and provide support to those affected. A 2.5-hour transcript of the rally is available for reference.

In light of Hamas’ declared intention to repeat the October 7 attacks and their desire to annihilate Israel while holding over 240 hostages, our collective stance is centred on supporting Israeli efforts to recover all hostages. Simultaneously, we are committed to working towards the permanent elimination of Hamas’ power in Gaza, aiming to prevent them from orchestrating any future attacks.

Our resolve remains unwavering as we pursue these goals, united and firm. We sincerely hope that diplomatic and peaceful avenues can be explored to address the root causes of the conflict and pave the way for a lasting resolution that ensures peace for all in the region.

Pro-Israel students at Concordia recently organized a gathering to voice their opposition against violent Palestinian activities on campus. Julia Langleben, a McGill student, passionately addressed the rally, sharing her experiences and detailing the intimidation faced by pro-Israel students since October 7. A detailed account of her speech is available, and the Montreal Gazette has also covered the event.

Additionally, a peaceful protest took place on the steps of Place Des Arts in Montreal, aiming to demand the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Amid a snowstorm on December 4, I joined thousands of people in Ottawa to express our support for Israel and demand the release of hostages held by Hamas. The diverse gathering comprised individuals from various backgrounds, including politicians, community leaders, representatives from the Ukrainian, Persian, Black, and Christian communities, religious leaders from different faiths, and worried family members of the hostages. You can find the coverage here.

Voices of Support: Diverse Perspectives on Israel in the Current Conflict

In the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict, various notable voices provide unique perspectives:

  1. Mosab Hassan Yousef: The eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Mosab defected from the terrorist organization in 2005. His 2010 book, “Son of Hamas,” offers a firsthand account of his experiences, revealing atrocities committed by Hamas against prisoners in Israeli jails. He shared his insights with the University of Michigan students on November 29, 2023. Watch the discussion here. In the book, he reports that he “first saw the light” after a stint in an Israeli jail during the mid-1990s. At Megiddo Prison, he witnessed Hamas inmates leading a brutal year-long campaign to weed out supposed Israeli collaborators. During that time, he said, “Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners.” He recalled vivid memories of needles being inserted under fingernails and bodies charred with burning plastics. Many, if not all, had nothing to do with Israeli intelligence. “I will never forget their screams,” he continued. “I started asking myself a question: What if Hamas succeeded in destroying Israel and building a state? Will they destroy our people in this way?”
  2. Douglas Murray: An esteemed academic and scholar, Murray contributes a well-researched perspective on the geopolitical dynamics of the Israel/Hamas conflict. He founded the Centre for Social Cohesion in 2007 and discussed current deaths in Gaza during an interview with Piers Morgan on Sky News. Watch the interview here.
  3. Niall Ferguson, John Cochrane, and Stephen Kotkin: Esteemed scholars in their respective fields, they shared valuable insights on the geopolitics of the Middle East in a discussion at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. Their conversation reviewed the challenges posed by the war and discussed possible outcomes. Watch the entire debate here.
  4. Brigitte Gabriel: An American citizen of Lebanese Christian origin, Gabriel founded the NGO Act for America after seeking refuge in the U.S. following the Islamic takeover of Lebanon. Her mission is to raise awareness about Islamism’s challenge in America. Watch her perspective here.

The Price of Peace

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, the toll on human lives and the impact on all communities are stark. However, the Israeli cost of war is rarely mentioned in the mainstream media.

Today, on December 22, the IDF announced the deaths of two more soldiers killed during the fighting in the Gaza Strip, bringing the toll of slain troops in the ground offensive against Hamas to 139.

Lt. Shai Ayeli and Sgt. First Class Tal Shua

1- Lt. Shai Ayeli, 21:

  • Cadet in the Bahad 1 officers’ school’s Gefen Battalion.
  • He previously served in the Air Force’s Unit 669 and is from Ashkelon.

2- Sgt. First Class (res.) Tal Shua, 31:

  • Combat Engineering Corps’ 7071st Battalion, from Beersheba.
  • Israeli hospitals are currently treating over 10,000 seriously injured individuals.

In response to the events of October 8, Israel faced a challenging situation that required swift mobilization of resources to address the aftermath of the unfortunate incident. Immediate priorities included providing comfort to survivors, laying the deceased to rest, and relocating evacuees from the southern border to central Israel and Eilat. At the same time, due to the looming threat posed by Hezbollah from Lebanon and Syria, communities near the northern border were also evacuated.

The situation’s urgency prompted the mobilization of 300,000 reserve soldiers, presenting a formidable logistical challenge in equipping, housing, and feeding such a large force. The commendable sight of local and international volunteers supporting these efforts was noteworthy. An additional 300,000 Israelis willingly returned to military service, and global volunteers offered hands-on assistance throughout the country, including the essential task of harvesting crops left unattended during the crisis.

Beyond the workforce, the response extended to the financial realm, with millions of dollars swiftly collected from the general public, exceeding $60 million within the first month and eventually surpassing a billion. The war’s guiding motto, “Byahad Nenatzayach” – “United, we will be victorious,” underscores the imperative of overcoming a ruthless adversary that, for ideological reasons, refuses to acknowledge Israel as a cooperative neighbour.

While acknowledging constant appeals for humanitarian aid for Gaza, it is crucial to keep in mind that Hamas initiated this conflict, and the situation has been complicated by their lack of concern for their civilian population. Resources provided in the past have been diverted to constructing extensive and costly attack tunnels and training children in activities that run counter to fostering peaceful coexistence. It is essential to understand these factors to comprehend the dynamics fueling the current conflict.

During a recent press conference, Secretary of State Tony Blinken emphasized the need to address the underlying causes of the conflict and hold Hamas accountable for its actions. He stressed the urgency of disarming Hamas, stopping the use of civilians as shields, and surrendering to achieve a faster resolution to the conflict.

“One of the things that’s striking to me is that, understandably, everyone would like to see this conflict end as quickly as possible, but if it ends with Hamas remaining in place and having the capacity and the stated intent to repeat October 7 again and again and again, that’s not in the interests of Israel, it’s not in the interests of the region, it’s not in the interests of the world. What is striking to me is that even as we hear many countries urging an end to this conflict… I hear virtually no one demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This would be over tomorrow if Hamas were to do that.”

A Call for Peace

As we embark on the joyous holiday season, let us reflect on Chanukah’s timeless message, which transcends all faiths. It highlights the idea of breaking free from oppression, representing the victory of freedom over physical slavery and harmful ideologies.

Judaism and Israel have consistently aspired to preserve our way of life and actively collaborate to foster global harmony. Israel, demonstrating its commitment to humanitarian values, has consistently been at the forefront, extending aid to any nation grappling with natural or artificial disasters.

Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Ramadan, and whichever religion you practice. May we all contribute to increasing peace and harmony in our shared world. May we all witness the freeing of our hostages and the achievement of everlasting peace in Israel and worldwide. Hashta b’agala oo’bzman kariv – Speedily and soon in our present time!

Confronting Antisemitism in Canada and Beyond

I recently visited Israel and witnessed the events that unfolded on October 7. The conflict began when Hamas, the ruling power in Gaza, breached Israel’s border defences on October 7, deploying three thousand Palestinians, trained fighters as well as ordinary civilians who invaded peaceful communities committing acts of violence and capturing as hostages over 230, men women and children of all ages. It’s worth noting that regular Israeli citizens played a vital role in swiftly stopping the attackers on the very first day, even before the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) arrived. The rapid response and intervention by the local police and ordinary citizens was remarkable and saved many lives.

Upon my return to Canada, on October 16 and 17, I attended a conference in Ottawa, focused on addressing the issue of the resurgence of antisemitism in present-day Canada. This event, organized by CIJA, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs in Canada, had been planned before the outbreak of the current war against Hamas in Gaza. The conference brought together a diverse group of 1,500 individuals, including 250 high school and college students as well as many professionals, law enforcement officers, NGO leaders, educators and scholars of many fields. They all came together to address the problem of the resurgent hatred towards Jews and Israel appearing in Canadian society including the newly insidious strain emanating from social media platforms.

Notable figures, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and opposition leader Pierre Polievre, gave keynote addresses, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and reinforcing the collective resolve against illegal discrimination towards Jews. One of the most impactful accounts came from a teacher from the Ottawa Public School System, who courageously shared shocking revelations about the persistent bullying of the youngest Jewish pupils in Ottawa’s elementary public schools.

The gathering also offered an opportunity for intimate dialogues with Members of Parliament: I was assigned to meet with Sherry Romanado, Federal Member of Parliament for the district of Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne, and Brad Redekopp, Federal Member of Parliament for Saskatoon West. Their openness highlighted the potential for collaborative parliamentary action on this file and paved the way for sustained advocacy, a commitment shared by all participants determined to confront antisemitism head-on.

The most important lesson highlighted by the conference was that “silence is collusion”: Silence is what enables antisemites and the spread of antisemitism. The conference also pointed to the power of collective action to bring about significant change. However, even as the conference ended, we became aware of the dire necessity for action in this area: A Palestinian protest was taking place in Ottawa outside the doors of the conference hall and we were advised not to exit via the main doors; It served as a stark reminder of the obstacles to be overcome. Given these realities, we all must reaffirm our unwavering commitment to fight against the poison of antisemitism whatever its source, utilizing the lessons of the past to guide us toward a more inclusive and just future for Jews and all peoples in Canada. If Jews can be singled out, anyone can be singled out for persecution and lawlessness must be vigorously addressed by all governmental authorities.

Resilience and Unity: How the Jewish Community Responds

The Jewish people have a long and proud history of solidarity with their brethren, exhibiting remarkable resilience in adversity over centuries of exile from their homeland, Israel. Jewish communities in every diaspora have consistently demonstrated their commitment to caring for orphans, widows, and strangers among them. In Montreal, this noble endeavour is entrusted to the Federation-CJA, which tirelessly works to provide for those in need. Every year, the community comes together for a fundraising campaign, gathering funds for these essential services. This year’s mission included raising urgent funds for the war effort in Israel, initiated on the very first day of the conflict.

Our enduring traditions, commitment to Torah study, and alignment with Torah principles have provided sustenance for the Jewish people throughout millennia in both prosperous and challenging times. This emphasis on regular Jewish practice is pivotal in our collective efforts to support Israel’s existential war of survival, the eradication of the threat to our people from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran as well as the local threats of antisemitism. Whether inside or outside Israel, we are all dedicated to the common good, working towards the recovery of our captives and the elimination of threats like Hamas, ensuring the safety of our people worldwide.

The issue of antisemitism, which is the ongoing hatred and discrimination towards Jews, has been a long-standing problem. The Jewish community has always acknowledged this issue, as evidenced in the following passage from our Passover seder:

Through the ages, many groups have risen to destroy us. But the Holy One, Blessed Be, always saves us from their hand!

She’ lo echad bilvad amad aleinu l’chaloteinuV’ha Kadosh, Baruch Hu, matzileynu mi’yadam. (Hebrew)

On April 7, 2020, the talented Ishai Ribo enchanted the audience with his rendering of this Passover classic, ‘Vehi She’amda.’ With his mesmerizing vocals, he breathed life into the timeless lyrics, reminding us that throughout history, many have tried to bring harm to our people.


In today’s world, where we’re bombarded with news of conflict and suffering, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. But in the midst of this, we can find hope and purpose in the belief that each of us has a role to play in bringing about positive change whether standing up against injustice or simply being present for those in need, we can all be agents of goodness and positive change.

Think about when you’ve seen kindness or compassion make a difference, whether in your life or the world around you. Those moments are like glimpses of the divine, reminding us of our power to create miracles through our actions.

And it’s not just about individual efforts. When we come together as a community, our impact multiplies. Regardless of our backgrounds or beliefs, we share a common humanity and a responsibility to make the world a better place for everyone.

In our tradition from time immemorial, we pray for the time when “the lion shall lie down with the lamb”  a time of peace in which the strong and the weak coexist peacefully for the greater good. Chazan Mutlu from Central Synagogue in NYC recorded a prayer that is regularly recited on behalf of Jews facing adversity, wherever they may be, on land or sea. The prayer seeks the boundless mercy of God to release those in distress, from darkness to light, from slavery to freedom. In the present time, we fervently pray for the speedy release of over 230 hostages captured by Hamas on October 7 “Hashta ba’agala uvizman kariv.” – speedily and in nearest time!


My Journey in Israel from October 7-12: A Chronicle of the Jewish Community’s Resilience

I travelled to Israel from October 7-12 and experienced many emotions while witnessing the Jewish community’s resilience. The backdrop was set against the celebration of Simchat Torah, a jubilant occasion marking the completion of the annual Torah readings and the commencement of a new cycle.

I joined my nephew Rabbi Yair Silverman’s synagogue on October 7 for the Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah festivities. This marked a significant end to the Rosh Hashana-Yom Kippur-Sukkot holiday season. Simchat Torah is a unique event that signifies the completion of the annual synagogue readings of The Five Books of Moses, or the Torah, and the start of a new cycle with the story of Genesis/Bereishit, narrating the tale of the world’s creation.

Before the service started, Rabbi Silverman shared unsettling news about an ongoing attack in Israel. He offered refuge to anyone needing to return home but committed to continuing the service. Despite this news, most of the congregation stood together and decided to proceed with the synagogue services. The atmosphere remained festive throughout the day, and we reconvened at 6 p.m. for a scheduled talk by a congregation member and the closing service.

Later in the evening, we learned that Israel was in conflict with Hamas in Gaza. Rabbi Silverman received a remarkable phone call from a Rabbi in Tel Aviv that night. A couple scheduled to marry the next day insisted on proceeding with their wedding in Zichron Yaakov. This request was based on rabbinic teachings that emphasized not delaying joyous occasions, such as weddings or bar mitzvahs, even in the face of adversity.

A Joyous Wedding Amidst Adversity

Rabbi Silverman took on the responsibility and orchestrated a wedding for the young couple and their entourage with the support of his congregation. The heartfelt ceremony took place the very next day, on Sunday, October 8, at 1 p.m., hosted within the walls of their small synagogue housed in a school. The bride’s extended family and close friends attended the momentous occasion while adhering to cherished traditions. The synagogue community, spanning generations, celebrated the joyous event with the family, inviting strangers to participate as guests. This is a customary practice in the joy of a wedding celebration. Fortunately, I captured a video of this event, and the family graciously permitted me to share these precious moments with you.

Return to Jerusalem and Changing Realities

I drove back to my apartment in Jerusalem the next day, around noon. It’s located in the heart of Israel, amidst the picturesque Judean hills, and it takes about ninety minutes to reach from Zichron Yaakov, which lies just south of Haifa along the Mediterranean coast. When I arrived, my phone buzzed incessantly with updates from various WhatsApp groups, each one fervently discussing how to handle the unfolding situation. They shared information about cancellations, recommendations, and what events were still on track. Among them, my pilates community was particularly active, already planning for a class the following day.

My tickets for the highly anticipated concert featuring Ishay Ribo, a renowned artist celebrated for his soul-stirring interpretations of biblical texts, were initially scheduled for October 8 at Jerusalem’s Binyanei Hauma. However, they were cancelled, and refunds were promptly issued. To taste Ishay Ribo’s artistry, here’s a snippet from one of his concerts on a Jerusalem stage, dated November 26, 2019, retrieved from YouTube. Kicking off the evening’s musical journey, he performs “Modeh Ani,” a heartfelt ode expressing gratitude for each new day, a prayer commonly recited at dawn. What’s remarkable is the harmonious unity of the audience, fervently joining their voices in this melodic prayer. These concerts transcend mere musical performances; they evoke the essence of a collective spiritual experience akin to a live prayer service.


We were instructed by government authorities through official media channels and WhatsApp groups to prepare our homes for the current reality. This included ensuring everyone had enough water, food, flashlights, and transistor radios for their bomb shelters. I went to the mall with my friend Sarah Kraft, who offered to drive. During our visit, we explored various establishments such as the electronics store, hardware shop, health food boutique, and supermarket. While searching for transistor radios, we faced an unexpected challenge: the electronics store was out of stock. Fortunately, they directed us to a nearby place specializing in cell phones, where we purchased the last two radios available.

People in Israel came together to ensure soldiers and civilians were well-equipped with essential resources. Some gathered protective gear and ammunition, while others prepared meals for the 300,000 reservists called to duty at short notice. Meanwhile, many groups provided spiritual support through communal activities like singing, dancing, and Torah classes, both in-person and online via platforms like Zoom. Additionally, they crafted “tzitzit,” undergarments adorned with fringes to symbolize connection to the Torah, which were offered to any soldiers who wanted them.

In my Jerusalem residence, we are fortunate to have a bomb shelter in the building. However, my friend Sarah, who lives in a building without one, faced a difficult decision. We had to choose how to prepare for the uncertain times ahead. Despite having a pre-scheduled direct Air Canada flight back to Montreal on Thursday, October 12, all international flights to and from Tel Aviv were suddenly cancelled, leaving El Al as the only airline operating in and out of Ben Gurion airport.

I contacted my travel agent, who suggested purchasing an El Al ticket to Zurich, allowing Air Canada to honour my ticket and continue my journey to Montreal. I decided to proceed with this option. Before my departure, I entrusted Sarah with the keys to my apartment so she could access the air raid shelter if necessary.

Returning to Montreal

Upon my arrival, I was extremely grateful to have received an invitation to join my cousins for dinner on Friday night. The following day, I attended the Shabbat morning synagogue service with Rabbi Poupko at my usual place of worship. The atmosphere during the service was familiar, except for a brief additional prayer dedicated to remembering hostages and a heartfelt rendition of Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem. Hatikvah, also known as the “Hope” or “Aspiration,” resonates with the two-thousand-year-old yearning of the Jewish people for sovereignty and freedom in our homeland, making it a poignant and cherished moment for all who gathered.

Reuniting with the congregation filled me with relief and joy. As we reconnected, we openly shared our experiences and the challenges we had faced since the onset of hostilities. In this tight-knit community, many of us have family and friends in Israel, and some have connections to individuals who have tragically lost their lives. Our sense of unity and vigilance remained high as we grappled with the uncertainty of the situation.

That night, our community began a weekly tradition of gathering for an additional prayer service dedicated to reciting Psalms/Tehilim. We came together to listen to words of comfort and support from our rabbis and to recite our designated psalms as a group. Reciting Psalms, whether in a group or individually, is a cherished Jewish tradition that provides solace and strength during challenging times. This weekly act of unity and faith will continue for as long as necessary. Bacol Serlui, a prominent Israeli poet, esteemed literary critic, and dedicated educator of Hebrew literature, has also shared her perspective on the profound tradition of reciting Psalms.

“At noon on that dark Shabbat of the holiday of Simhat Torah, one of our sons went off to war. I almost died of fear, trembling, and sorrow for the little we knew, from worrying about him and others. And what does a person do when he has no way out? He cries and screams his way through. And like my mother and all the other women, I sat with my Tehillim, reciting from beginning to end until the close of the holiday, until my tears dried up and the breaking news broke me once again. I recite the Psalms again and again and feel that the Tehillim are reading me, dubbing my fear and sorrow, giving me a voice. Three millennia ago a Jew sat and poured out the agony of his soul in times of peace and war, and here he reaches out a hand of prayer and speaks to our own day, until we will be redeemed.” *1

Our influencers and rabbis have reminded us that we all actively participate in God’s divine mission, whether we serve in the armed forces, contribute on the home front, or engage in contemplative prayer. They encourage us to deepen our dedication to mitzvot, righteous actions, and prayer.

The Rabbis in Israel have decreed a three-day communal fast inspired by the story of Queen Esther in the Purim narrative. The tradition is a mirror of the time when Haman had secured a decree to annihilate the Jewish community in Shushan, Persia (modern-day Iran), on a specific day. On a mission to avert this catastrophe, Queen Esther implored the community to observe a three-day fast before her fateful audience with King Ahashverosh. This moving story is commemorated annually during the festival of Purim, as recounted in the Book of Esther.

On Sunday, October 15, we celebrated Rosh Chodesh, which marks the start of a new month. A few years ago, the women of Montreal started a unique tradition by hosting an exclusively female Rosh Chodesh service. Whenever I am in the city, I attend this special gathering. On this particular occasion, the service was even more extraordinary as we gathered to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of a young girl who turned 12, a significant milestone in the life of every Jewish girl. It was an inspiring and emotional experience to hear her flawlessly chant the Torah portion of the day. We celebrated this important day in her life with her classmates, friends, and family.

Resilience and Unity: How the Jewish Community Responds

The Jewish community has a long-standing tradition of solidarity and remarkable resilience in times of adversity. Throughout history, Jewish communities have consistently shown compassion for the vulnerable, including orphans, widows, and strangers in need. In Montreal, the Federation CJA oversees these noble efforts and tirelessly works to support those in need. Each year, the community unites for a fundraising campaign to gather crucial funds for these essential services. This year, we focus on raising urgent funds for the ongoing war effort initiated on the conflict’s first day.

Last week, a remarkable fundraising concert showcased some of Montreal’s beloved Jewish entertainers who generously lent their talents on very short notice. Among them, Milena Kartowski delivered an awe-inspiring rendition of “Stand by Me,” leaving a lasting impression on all attendees.

Throughout countless generations, the Jewish people have relied on our enduring traditions, unwavering commitment to Torah study, and alignment with Torah principles as a steadfast foundation. We have weathered both prosperous and challenging times by consistently practicing Judaism. This emphasis on consistent Jewish practice is crucial to our collective dedication to supporting Israel’s existential struggle for survival, including the ongoing efforts to counter threats. Whether within or outside Israel, we are united in our pursuit of the common good, striving for the recovery of our captives and the elimination of threats to ensure the safety of our people.

The Jewish community is acutely aware that the pervasive issue of antisemitism, an enduring hatred directed towards Jews, serves as a motivating force for groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. This recognition is articulated in a poignant passage from our Passover seder:

“Through the ages, not just one, but many, have risen to destroy us… But the Holy One, Blessed Be, always saves us from their hand!

She’ lo echad bilvad amad aleinu l’chaloteinu…V’ha Kadosh, Baruch Hu, matzileynu mi’yadam.”

On April 7, 2020, Ishai Ribo delivered a remarkable performance of a classic Passover song that enchanted the audience. His mesmerizing vocals brought the timeless lyrics to life and served as a powerful reminder of the numerous attempts made to harm the Jewish people throughout history. Despite these challenges, the Jewish people have always shown resilience and triumphed.


Miracles occur when we fight against evil, emphasizing our collective responsibility to confront it. As individuals and a unified community, we are consistently called upon to contribute to goodness and improve the world. This call extends to both Jewish and non-Jewish members of our society.

Only by successfully eliminating such malevolence can we hope to bring about messianic times, where peace reigns, and universal well-being, health, and happiness prevail. We pray earnestly for this day to come soon, swiftly, and in our lifetime.

Hazan Mutlu of Central Synagogue in NYC has recorded this prayer, which we all recite on behalf of our brethren facing adversity, wherever they may be—on land or at sea. We pray for the boundless mercy of God to free them from distress, leading them from darkness to light and from slavery to redemption, swiftly and soon, in our time.

“Hashta ba’agala uvizman kariv”


We stand united and fully prepared, without a doubt, that we will triumph over the evil forces threatening us!

Am Yisrael Chai: The Jewish People are alive and living, now and forever!



  1. Psalms for the State of Vertigo,


SHTTL is a film that has yet to be released to the public, but it has already garnered widespread acclaim and accolades at various film festivals. During a recent screening at the Montreal Holocaust Museum, I watched this cinematic masterpiece that stands out among the rest.

The film’s narrative is set in a Ukrainian forest, where two young men embark on a journey while a Hasidic folk story weaves around them. Upon their arrival at a bustling market, the stage is set for a complex tale amidst a backdrop of a Soviet manager, overlapping conversations, and references to the protagonist’s former girlfriend – the Rabbi’s daughter, engaged to be married that weekend. The film ventures into dreamy sequences with the protagonist’s deceased mother’s encounters with his father and surreal moments in a synagogue with the Rebbe and the congregation. The audience is immersed in a 24-hour snapshot of life in an obscure Ukrainian village near the Polish border.

SHTTL is a powerful film that immerses viewers in the pre-Nazi invasion era of Ukraine, portraying the intricacies of village life as an engaged observer. The film adeptly hints at the dynamics between religious and secular Jews, Russian occupiers, and other neighbours, showcasing the complexities of their relationships.

The Nazis’ invasion of the Soviet Union extended their grip over numerous Jewish communities from the Baltics through Belarus and Ukraine to the Black Sea *1, and SHTTL serves as a poignant representation of one such village. It functions as a memorial that focuses on celebrating the vibrant lives of its inhabitants rather than dwelling solely on the tragic fate that ultimately befell them.

What’s remarkable about this film is that it was entirely filmed in the native languages of the villagers, predominantly Yiddish, interspersed with Ukrainian, Russian, and German. The English subtitles make it easy for the audience to follow the storyline, immersing them in the village’s culture and traditions.

Adding to its significance, SHTTL has a solid connection to Montreal, where two of the producers are esteemed entertainment professionals from the city: Eric Gozlan, recognized for his work on films like Beautiful Boy, Stand Off, A Score to Settle, and Bandit, and Joe Sisto, a well-known Montreal-based entertainment lawyer associated with projects such as Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, Upside Down, Brick Mansions, and Erased.

Word has it that the producers plan to submit this film to the Oscars in the foreign film category. Filmed in Ukraine with a local crew, it’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved in creating this 21st-century masterpiece. Kudos to the entire team!


On the 22nd of June 1941, German troops launched Operation Barbarossa, Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union. From the point of view of the Nazis, this was not an ordinary military conflict but a battle against the chief ideological and racial enemies of the German nation.

At the rear of the German army were four Einsatzgruppen special units whose task was to fight against ideological opponents. They were required to kill all Communist functionaries, Jews holding party and state functions, and other radical elements. In reality, however, the main role of these units was to massacre Jewish communities.

To begin with, only Jewish men were murdered, but soon women and children were also being killed. The largest single massacre was the execution of over 30,000 Kievan Jews in Babi Yar at the end of September 1941. It is estimated that these units, aided by local militia and in coordination with the army, slaughtered approximately 1.25 million Jews in all, as well as hundreds of thousands of other Soviet citizens. (Written by  Producer Eric Gozlan)



  1. Terezín Initiative Institute