Addressing Antisemitism: Insights from Jerusalem Amidst the Israel-Hamas Conflict

The more things change, the more they remain the same: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose

Isaiah 2:3: Ki mi’tzion tetzeh Torah, oodvar Hashem mi Yerushalayim (Out of Zion will come forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem)

Are Pro-Palestinian Activists Antisemitic?

As the Israel-Hamas conflict persists in Jerusalem, some have wondered how to differentiate between anti-Israel sentiments and antisemitism. Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet asks, “Why was Yishai Rebo, an Israeli singer who interprets biblical texts, performing for a Jewish audience met at a Harvard venue with vehement pro-Palestinian protests? This reveals how ‘Today, ‘Hating Israel’ is the correct way to hate Jews!'” This incident illustrates the contemporary fusion of antisemitism and anti-Israel protests and how animosity towards Israel is used as a socially acceptable facade for anti-Jewish sentiments.


What is Antisemitism?

In my view, antisemitism involves spreading false information about Jewish people for different reasons, whether it’s the ancient accusation of being responsible for the death of Jesus, the false belief in blood libels (i.e., that Jews use Christian children’s blood to bake their Passover matzah), or the stereotype of Jews controlling the media and finance. These misconceptions about Jews change over time, but the underlying prejudice stays the same.

Throughout history, antisemitism has manifested tragically, from medieval blood libels and expulsions to the horrors of the Holocaust. These myths and stereotypes have justified discrimination, violence, and even genocide against Jews in Germany. Understanding this history is crucial to recognizing how these prejudices persist in new forms today.

The Connection Between Antisemitism and Pro-Palestinian Activism

Pro-Palestinian discourse frequently centers on misinformation about Israel, often attributed to a more significant ideological conflict.

Nonie Darwish is a prominent figure whose personal story sheds light on the deep-rooted conflict and the ideological struggle surrounding Israel and Palestine. Born in Cairo and raised in Gaza, Darwish experienced firsthand the intense indoctrination against Israelis. Her father, an Egyptian military officer, further immersed her in an environment that viewed Israel as an adversary. Over time, Darwish began to question and eventually reject the anti-Israel rhetoric she was brought up with, recognizing it as propaganda. Her testimony highlights the pervasive misinformation that fuels the current conflict.

Her daughter, Shireen Said, continues this narrative. Their stories illustrate how deeply ingrained beliefs and misinformation can perpetuate hostilities. Their experiences underscore the importance of critical thinking and open dialogue in addressing and resolving longstanding conflicts rooted in ideological and cultural indoctrination.

Antisemitism and Pro-Palestinian Activism Clash at Universities

The recent Israeli-Hamas conflict has led to tensions on campuses, with reports of incidents perceived as antisemitic in connection with pro-Palestinian activism. This issue has been ongoing for many years, as evidenced by a 2014 YouTube video in which Jewish students on American campuses shared the antisemitism they experienced from pro-Palestinian groups. These incidents, including hate speech, vandalism, and social exclusion, are unfortunately not isolated to recent events; they demonstrate a longstanding challenge within academic environments.


The persistence of these incidents suggests that much work remains to ensure that campuses are safe and inclusive for all students, regardless of their political or religious affiliations. Universities must continue to develop, enforce, sustain, and strengthen policies that protect all students from any form of racism, including antisemitism, and foster an environment of respectful dialogue and mutual understanding.

Statistical Data

Data from organizations like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) show a significant rise in antisemitic incidents globally, particularly during times of heightened conflict in the Middle East. These statistics underscore the need to comprehensively address this issue.

“Out of Zion Will Come Forth the Law”

To delve deeper into the underpinnings of this terrible virus of Jew-hatred called “antisemitism,” we turn to Judith Klitzner, a renowned Bible scholar. Klitzner points to the theme of sibling rivalry found in Genesis. She argues that the most significant challenge Jews and non-Jews face today is internal discord, which mirrors the familial strife depicted in biblical narratives. This perspective is crucial in understanding the broader context of antisemitism, which pits brother against brother in the current conflict. (*1)


Klitzner’s insights extend to examining how the biblical Pharaoh’s rhetoric enslaved the Jews despite Joseph’s pivotal role in Egypt’s survival. Similarly, she reflects on Isaac’s experiences with hostile neighbours, offering timeless lessons on dealing with animosity and prejudice.

Ways to Combat Antisemitism

The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict and the surrounding pro-Palestinian activism reveal a complex web of historical, ideological, and theological threads. Antisemitism, often veiled as anti-Israel sentiment, continues to manifest in various forms. By revisiting our sacred texts and historical experiences, we can learn to address these age-old hatreds and foster a more truthful and harmonious dialogue. The Torah, from Jerusalem, still has much to teach us about confronting and overcoming the prejudices of our time.


  1. Judith Klitzner, “Your Brother’s Blood is Calling Out,” Ikar, YouTube, April 29, 2023, based on Genesis 37:3-4 and Genesis 45:3-15.

“And Israel loved Joseph more than all his sons, because he was a son of his old age; and he made him a fine woolen coat. And his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers, so they hated him, and they could not speak with him peacefully.”1

“And Joseph said to his brothers, ‘I am Joseph. Is my father still alive?’ but his brothers could not answer him because they were startled by his presence. Then Joseph said to his brothers, ‘Please come closer to me,’ and they drew closer. And he said, ‘I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt. For already two years of famine [have passed] in the midst of the land, and [for] another five years, there will be neither plowing nor harvest. And God sent me before you to make for you a remnant in the land, and to preserve [it] for you for a great deliverance. Hasten and go up to my father, and say to him, ‘So said your son, Joseph: “God has made me a lord over all the Egyptians. Come down to me, do not tarry. And you shall dwell in the land of Goshen, and you shall be near to me, you and your children and your grandchildren, and your flocks and your cattle and all that is yours. And I will sustain you there for there are still five years of famine lest you become impoverished, you and your household and all that is yours.” ‘And behold, your eyes see, as well as the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth speaking to you. And you shall tell my father [of] all my honor in Egypt and all that you have seen, and you shall hasten and bring my father down here.” And he fell on his brother Benjamin’s neck and wept, and Benjamin wept on his neck. And he kissed all his brothers and wept over them, and afterwards his brothers spoke with him.

Unveiling Intellectual Blinders: A Critical Analysis of Karim Khan’s ICC Stance

In her latest article, “Brothers-in-Harms,” Melanie Phillips delves into the apparent lack of critical thinking exhibited by Karim Khan, the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Phillips, known for her incisive commentary, analyzes Khan’s recent statements and interviews, unravelling the intricate web of moral relativism and political bias that seems to cloud his judgment.

Phillips begins by scrutinizing Khan’s comparison between the actions of Hamas and the IRA, a comparison that, upon closer inspection, reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of terrorism and its implications. She quotes Khan’s interview with Christina Lamb from The Sunday Times (£), where Khan draws parallels between the IRA’s terrorist campaign and Hamas’s onslaught against Israel:

“He compares the Hamas onslaught against Israel with the IRA’s terrorist campaign against Britain… You can’t do that.”

While acknowledging the IRA’s reprehensible acts of violence, Phillips highlights a crucial distinction:

“What the IRA did not aim to do was murder all British people and have Ireland conquer England, Scotland and Wales.”

Phillips further dissects Khan’s assertion of moral equivalence, where he seemingly equates civilian casualties resulting from deliberate terrorist attacks with those occurring inadvertently during legitimate acts of self-defence. Examining previous ICC cases and precedents makes it apparent whether Khan’s approach is consistent with the court’s jurisprudence and international legal standards on terrorism. She quotes Khan’s statement on the need for equal moral outrage:

“Whether those are the rights of Jewish victims or Palestinians, whether Muslim, Christian, or of no belief, we must have the same moral outrage, love, care, and concern — the point is they are all human beings.”

As Phillips aptly points out, this oversimplified view undermines the essence of justice, blurring the line between victim and victimizer, right and wrong.

Khan’s reliance on a panel of advisors, some of whom harbour explicit biases against Israel, raises serious concerns about the impartiality and objectivity of the ICC’s decision-making process. Phillips exposes the inherent danger of ideological echo chambers within international legal institutions, where preconceived notions can influence prosecutorial decisions and undermine the pursuit of justice. Quoting Khan’s defence of one of the panel members:

“Khan defended one of the panel members, 94-year-old American-Israeli lawyer and judge Theodor Meron, by saying that he can’t be antisemitic because he’s Jewish.”

Drawing attention to the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) regarding the situation in Gaza, Phillips sheds light on the pervasive misinformation and skewed narratives perpetuated by mainstream media outlets. By analyzing alternative perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, including viewpoints from scholars, policymakers, and activists, it becomes evident that there are diverse interpretations of the conflict and the actions of Hamas and Israel. She unmasks the underlying agendas driving these narratives, quoting Joshua Rozenberg:

“Several ICJ judges criticized the paragraph as ambiguous — and some of their comments merely added to the confusion.”

Phillips calls for a renewed commitment to honesty and ethical clarity in international discussions. She encourages readers to challenge established biases, question dominant narratives, and demand accountability from those entrusted with upholding justice on the global stage. Only through such awareness can the actual values of justice and human rights be reinstated, securing a future where morality prevails over ideology and truth prevails over misinformation.


  1. Melanie Phillips, “Brothers-in-harms,” Substack, May 27, 2024,

Living and Learning in Jerusalem: Embracing Torah and Unity During Challenging Times

I have been living in Jerusalem, Israel, since the beginning of April, and I treasure each day I spend here despite the continual state of war. There are daily reports of battles on the front lines in Gaza in the south and bombs and missiles projected at Israel from Syria and Lebanon in the north.

One of the advantages of living here is the privilege of engaging in in-person Torah study with exceptional teachers almost every day of the week. There are numerous places of learning for men, women, mixed-gender groups, and children of all ages.

It may be difficult for those outside Israel to understand how much our Torah and Torah laws, known as “halacha,” impact every aspect of life in Israel. They influence social interactions, child-rearing, healthcare, agriculture, ecology, governance, and even rules of war. Our sacred text, the Torah, and thousands of preserved rabbinic commentaries over millennia provide guidance on almost every aspect of daily life.

We are about to embark on the Jewish holiday of Shavuot when, according to rabbinic sources, the Jewish people received the Torah at the base of Mount Sinai in the Sinai Desert in 1312 BCE.

Counting of the Omer

The Torah prescribes counting forty-nine days between the seder night of Passover and Shavuot. This practice is known as “Counting the Omer.” Initially, this tradition was connected to the sacrificial offerings in the ancient Jerusalem Temples. In contemporary times, Counting the Omer is associated with a Kabbalistic practice of personal growth, a time of preparation for receiving the Torah. This period coincides with the wheat and barley harvest and with spring in the Holy Land, adding to our joy with the blossoming of fruit trees that line every street. (1)

Pursuing Spiritual Fulfillment

During the seven Sabbaths between Passover and Shavuot, studying the Mishnaic text Pirkei Avot, known in English as the Ethics of the Fathers, is customary.

One of the precepts of Pirkei Avot, Chapter 1, verse 3, states:

“Antigonos of Socho received the tradition from Shimon the Righteous. He would say: Do not be ‘like slaves, who serve their master for the sake of reward,’ rather, be like slaves who serve their master but not for the sake of the reward. And the fear of Heaven should be upon you.” (2)

Rabbi Moshe Snow, Rabbi Emeritus of the Bayit Synagogue in Toronto and currently on the faculty of the OU Teaching Center in Jerusalem, explained this verse based on rabbinic sources. He emphasized that one should study the Torah without seeking earthly rewards. The true and ultimate reward lies in the spiritual blessings derived from Torah study, both in this world and the world to come. If you seek primarily the material reward, you will miss out on the greater reward – the spiritual reward of Torah study.

Weekly Torah Study

The Jerusalem OU publishes a free magazine called Torah Tidbits, featuring articles on the weekly Torah portion. It is distributed widely for free and is also available online. (3)

All-Night Torah Study

Many communities worldwide, including ours, organize all-night Torah study sessions on the night of Shavuot. These sessions, a cornerstone of our faith, conclude at sunrise with a communal prayer service. During this service, we read the Torah portion related to Mount Sinai’s events and recounted the Ten Commandments, reinforcing our connection to our faith and community.

On Shavuot and every day, we are reminded that the strength of our military forces is derived not only from material support, munitions, and armour – which are undeniably crucial. It also comes from the spiritual resources of our soldiers, who are motivated to heroically defend their families and their land with their lives, and the spiritual support of all those who pray for the well-being of our soldiers and their families. Many valiantly support the war effort through various volunteer services and daily observance of Torah commandments/mitzvot. We are commanded to “redeem hostages” as Abraham did by going to war to save his nephew Lot, who had been taken captive, and to “never stand idly by when we see the blood of our brothers.”

In her Shavuot message, Israeli influencer Sivan Rahav-Meir articulates the essence of the festival by stating:

“The festival of Shavuot begins this evening. It represents a much-needed revolution in the form of true unity. We have long known how to unite in the face of a common enemy. On Simchat Torah, last October 7, Sinwar wanted to kill all of us, regardless of our political or religious affiliation, and so we united. An external threat has always increased our sense of mutual responsibility. That’s only logical, but it’s not enough. The festival of Shavuot calls upon us to rise to the next level — that of authentic unity, unity for its own sake. When the Torah was given, we were not running away or hiding from anyone. We did not come together because of Nazis, antisemites, Hezbollah, or Hamas. We simply gathered joyfully at Mount Sinai and there received our identity. We heard the Ten Commandments and declared in unison: “Na’aseh V’nishma” (We will do and we will understand).”

Ultimately, our enduring Jewish unity is rooted in our remarkable shared history and anticipated hopeful future—the Messianic End of Days when ‘the lion will lie down with the lamb’ (Isaiah 11:6)! (4)

I recently attended a class with Rabbi Goldscheider, a faculty member of the OU and formerly of Mount Kisco Synagogue in NY. He shared Rav Kook’s ten ideas about learning on Shavuot night. Some of his insights might surprise you. He suggests studying what truly interests your heart, whether Kabbalah or mystical texts. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of paying attention to your physical needs and maintaining a healthy body as crucial prerequisites for proper Torah study. You can access his class here.

In the past, I have posted about Shavuot on this site, highlighting the annual renewal of the Jewish people’s commitment to the eternal Ten Commandments, which are the foundation of our national creed and aspirations. (5)

Wishing everyone a hag sameach, a joyous holiday that has the potential to unite all peoples under the Divine Umbrella of Peace and Justice, our Torah.


  1. “What Is the Counting of the Omer?”,
  2. “Pirkei Avot: The Translated Text, Selected Insights, Audio Classes, and Stories for the Children.”,
  3. Faculty of the OU. “Torah Tidbits: Parshat Bechukotai – Issue 1566 – Individual Articles.” Torah Tidbits,
  4. Rahav-Meir, Sivan. Daily WhatsApp. Translated by Yehoshua Siskin,
  5. AskAbigail Productions. “Unveiling the Significance of Shavuot.” Blog about Shavuot, 2 June 2022,

Unmasking the Truth: Navigating Media Bias and Misinformation about Israel

A well-known maxim states, “You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” This sentiment applies to discerning “truth from misinformation” in our media-saturated world.

Francisco Gil-White‘s research (1) highlights a troubling reality: many people form their views not from direct experience but from the narratives crafted by the media. This phenomenon was starkly evident in the antisemitic propaganda about Jews disseminated by mainstream German, American, and other Western media sources in the first part of the twentieth century. Before WWII, media outlets demonized Jews in print (2) and on the radio, shaping public perception. These falsified stories and exaggerated portrayals aimed to make Jews appear fearful and loathsome to the general public, reminiscent of the demonization of Jews in ancient texts like the book of Exodus (1:1-16). (3)

In hindsight, this raises an essential question: If Jews were perceived as so influential and powerful, how were European powers able to systematically persecute and murder six million of them between 1941 and 1945 without significant opposition from major world powers? The historical context reveals a stark contradiction.

Media Misinformation

Today, questions persist about the portrayal of Israel in contemporary media. Is Israel committing genocide in Gaza? Is there a humanitarian crisis? How many civilians have perished? The challenge lies in discerning reliable sources amid the proliferation of conflicting narratives. Can mainstream media outlets like CNN, CBC, BBC, PRX, and MSNBC provide an unbiased depiction of the Israel-Hamas conflict? Should information from social media, internet sources, and NGOs be trusted? What about the reliability of Wikipedia?

Mainstream Media

Several major media outlets, such as CNN, CBC, The New York Times, and The Washington Post, have been accused of bias in their reporting on Israel, often favouring progressive left-wing ideologies. Recent revelations, including the CBC whistleblower reports and discussions in Commentary Magazine’s podcast “Stopping the Presses” (released June 7, 2024), have highlighted these long-standing biases and efforts towards reform in major American media. (4)

NGO Bias

Human rights and humanitarian organizations such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and Doctors Without Borders, among others, have been criticized for biased reporting on Israel. NGO Monitor and UNWatch consistently document these biases. A recent report from NGO Monitor accused many NGOs of downplaying Hamas atrocities and framing them as resistance against Israeli policies labelled as “apartheid” and “oppression,” contributing to global antisemitism and the demonization of Israel. (5)

Influence of Social Media: Bots and AI

Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook significantly impact public opinion and can amplify misinformation. Biased narratives are quickly spread and reinforced by algorithms that create echo chambers, making distinguishing between fact and fiction challenging. In addition, foreign-influenced bots pose a severe threat, exacerbating the issue.

For example, Taiwan has actively taken steps to counter Chinese bots on its social media platforms and has shared its strategies with Israel. An article by Jeremy Bob in the Jerusalem Post titled “How Israel Can Defend Itself from Iran Using Taiwan’s Anti-China Playbook” explores how Israel could adopt Taiwan’s tactics to combat disinformation campaigns from Iran and other adversaries. It is crucial for all Western governments to urgently address the issue of foreign influence on the internet.


While Wikipedia is a popular information source, it has been criticized for bias against Israel. Investigative journalist Aaron Bandler detailed instances where Wikipedia editors manipulated content to favour anti-Israel narratives (6).

Student Campus Protests and Hidden Agendas

University campuses often witness pro-Palestinian protests organized by groups like Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP). These movements, supported by organizations like the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), employ rhetoric accusing Israel of “apartheid,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “genocide,” narratives challenged by investigative bodies like ISGAP and SPME. Transparency about funding sources, such as USCPR’s substantial support from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, underscores the complexity and controversy surrounding these campaigns. (7)

The Importance of Media Integrity in Civil Democratic Societies

The media serves as a pivotal force in shaping public opinion and influencing the democratic process. However, its integrity and reliability are constantly under threat, particularly evident in authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. These regimes often manipulate the media to destabilize democratic institutions, underscoring the crucial need for global media literacy and accountability to safeguard democratic freedoms.

The conflict in Ukraine provides a stark example of how media can be used to advance geopolitical agendas. Russia’s annexation of Crimea and ongoing tensions along the Russia-Ukraine border illustrate President Putin’s ambitions for territorial expansion through illicit means. Such actions not only violate international norms but also challenge the sovereignty of democratic nations.

Iran’s ambitions in the Middle East present another critical issue. With its stated goal of regional dominance and threats against Israel, Iran poses a significant threat not only to regional stability but also to global security. The situation in Israel and Gaza, often framed as a struggle for territorial and human rights, extends beyond local concerns. It represents a broader threat aimed at the very existence of Israel and its people, with potential ramifications reaching countries across the globe, including the US, Canada, Europe, and England.

Media Watchdog

It is crucial to establish mechanisms that ensure accountability in the media and uphold responsible journalism. One notable organization, Honest Reporting, has been diligently monitoring and documenting media bias related to Israel for many years. They provide daily briefings and maintain a dedicated page for Canadian media, accessible to anyone who wishes to stay informed.

Access to reliable information is fundamental for the integrity of democratic societies. Historical events, such as Hitler’s exploitation of democratic processes to seize power and establish a dictatorship, underscore the dangers posed by misinformation and public indifference.

Tools for Critical Media Consumption

Media literacy equips individuals to discern misinformation and biased agendas. Here are some tips to spot and avoid misinformation:

  • Recognize confirmation bias by seeking out diverse opinions and perspectives. Don’t stick to only one source for news.
  • Investigate the author and reporter’s backgrounds and the ideological bias of the newsgathering institution to understand their perspectives.
  • Beware of sensationalist language like “genocide” and “war crimes” and focus on factual content from reliable sources.
  • Continuously improve media literacy skills to adapt to evolving misinformation tactics.

Trusted Sources for Accurate News

I’ve compiled trusted news sources I’ve relied on over the years.

  • Associated Press (AP), has been the go-to aggregator of news for mainstream media exposed as biased towards Israel: Have you heard of WIN World Israel News? It serves a similar function by providing aggregated news on Israel but includes more Jewish and Israeli sources.
  • Consider the Israeli English-language TV channel I-24 and TOI – Times of Israel for a direct feed from Israel.
  • Commentators like Dennis Prager, Douglas Murray, Melanie Phillips, Brigitte Gabriel, Francisco Gil-White, and Hassan Youssef are well-informed and reliable sources regarding the Middle East. I have followed them for years.

Regarding NGOs and citizen organizations, these groups are known for their insightful perspectives:

As history reminds us, misinformation and bias have profound consequences. Upholding truth and justice requires vigilance against media manipulation to ensure democratic integrity and informed public discourse.


  1. Gil-White, Francisco. “Geopolitical and Historic Insights on Jews, Israel, and the Battle Against Antisemitism.” Ask Abigail Productions,
  2. “Der Stürmer (Antisemitic Newspaper).” Montreal Holocaust Museum,
  3. Klitzner, Judith. Torah from Israel with Judy Klitsner. YouTube,
    In Genesis, Joseph’s brothers, angered by their father’s favoritism toward him and Joseph’s dreams of dominance, sell him into slavery. Joseph rises to power in Egypt and later forgives his brothers, inviting them to settle there during a famine. In Exodus, the descendants of Jacob, now called Israelites, face oppression in Egypt under a new Pharaoh who fears their numbers. He imposes harsh labor and orders the killing of Hebrew male infants (Exodus 1:1-17).
  4. Kinsella, Warren. “Covert internal group oversees CBC’s coverage of Israel.” Toronto Sun, Toronto Sun, 27 Nov. 2020,
  5. NGO Monitor. “Blaming the Victim: NGOs, the Apartheid Libel, and the Hamas Massacre.” NGO Monitor,
  6. “7 Tactics Wikipedia Editors Used to Spread Anti-Israel Bias Since Oct. 7.” Jewish Journal, 7 Oct. 2021,
  7. NGO Monitor. “NGO Network Orchestrating Antisemitic Incitement on American Campuses.” NGO Monitor,

Francisco Gil-White: Geopolitical and Historic Insights on Jews, Israel, and the Battle Against Antisemitism

The following interview with Francisco Gil-White provides deep insights into the historical, political, and social dynamics surrounding Jews and Israel today, alongside the broader issues of prejudice and propaganda targeting Jews over the last century.

Contributions of Jews to Western Civilization

Francisco Gil-White, a Mexican Catholic scholar, political anthropologist, historian, and author, highlights the profound influence of Jewish thought on Western civilization. He explains how Jews transformed the violent Roman totalitarian system into a more just and equitable society based on the Mishna and texts by Hillel the Elder. These ancient texts introduced fundamental concepts such as the equality of all men under one G-d, the pursuit of justice, and the importance of caring for the stranger, widow, and orphan.

Shaping Our Models of Reality

Gil-White emphasizes that the average citizen’s worldview, or “model of reality,” is significantly shaped by the media. He discusses how the nineteenth-century bogus racial theory, the “science of eugenics,” gained acceptance among Western elites and influenced Nazi racial dogma about Jews. He questions whether Western countries were merely appeasing Hitler or secretly supporting him, given their alignment with these theories.


The Impact of Russian Propaganda

He delves into how Russian propaganda at the turn of the century, particularly the publication of “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” by the Russian Secret Police, fueled global antisemitism. This fabricated document falsely accused Jews of controlling banks and governments, spreading fear and prejudice worldwide.


Historical Ties and Propaganda

Gil-White explores the historical ties between the Nazis and the Arab world, focusing on figures like Haj Amin Al Husseini. He discusses the role of propaganda in shaping societal perceptions, refuting antisemitic stereotypes with historical evidence, and addressing persistent myths about Jewish control of the media and big business. He argues that the ease with which Europe rounded up and murdered six million Jews should dispel any notion of secret Jewish powers.


Challenging Authoritarianism and Divisive Ideologies

Gil-White stresses the importance of challenging authoritarian regimes that use antisemitic rhetoric to suppress democratic ideals and promote totalitarian agendas. He critiques the current trend of supporting Hamas and the Palestinian cause, attributing it to divisive ideologies propagated in academia and the influence of radical Muslim immigration. He encourages critical thinking to promote social harmony rather than division.

The Repercussions of Antisemitism

Gil-White passionately argues that combating antisemitism is crucial for safeguarding the Western social fabric and is in humanity’s best interests. He points out that Jews have played significant roles in shaping Western civilization and laments the erosion of critical thinking among the younger generation. He critiques Western power elites for fostering radical Islamist elements and covertly supporting the Arab genocidal cause.

Confronting Authoritarianism, Radicalism, and Divisive Ideologies

In his analysis, Gil-White highlights how authoritarian regimes have historically utilized anti-Semitic rhetoric as a means of suppressing democratic ideals and promoting their own totalitarian agendas. He emphasizes the importance of challenging these harmful stereotypes whenever they surface.

Gil-White points out the importance of critiquing the current trend of supporting Hamas and the Palestinian cause, which he believes runs counter to the values upheld by the United States and Israel. He attributes this trend to divisive ideologies propagated in academic settings over the past several decades and to the influence of radical Muslim immigration. Ultimately, Gil-White’s perspective encourages listeners to approach these complex issues critically to promote social harmony rather than division.

Dismantling Stereotypes

Gil-White asserts that Jews have continually contributed positively to humanity. He debunks negative stereotypes and advocates for the protection and inclusion of Jewish minorities and support for Israel against antisemitic enemies like Hamas, Iran, and Hezbollah. His multidisciplinary background lends weight to his insights on these complex societal issues.

And why is this powerfully important for all of us?

There is no better way to explain this than by sharing this brief video from the Shine A Light Organization with you.

Francisco Gil-White’s expertise and deep understanding are evident in his advocacy against various forms of antisemitism, from subtle prejudices to overt acts of violence. His efforts aim to foster greater understanding and empathy across all communities.

I encourage you to follow Francisco Gil-White and draw your own conclusions. Share your thoughts in the comments section below.