Mimouna in Israel, 2024: A Glimpse of Brotherhood Amidst Turmoil

In the month of Nissan, we were redeemed from Egypt, and according to an ancient rabbinic quote: “B’Nissan nigalnu, v’b’Nissan atidim l’higael,” in the month of Nissan, we are destined to be redeemed in the future. This quote is the source of the Mimouna feast, celebrated annually among Sephardi Jews and Hassidim at the end of the Passover Festival. This year, we celebrate Mimouna amid a global upheaval centred in Israel.

The Essence of Mimouna

Amidst the ongoing war that began on October 7, Mimouna symbolizes hope. More than just a celebration, Mimouna holds the promise of global redemption. It represents the day our prophets speak of, when ‘the lion will lie down with the lamb,’ and all nations will transform their weapons into tools to feed the hungry and those experiencing poverty. It reaffirms the enduring faith of Jews in a future world of peace and cooperation among all peoples.

This year, we celebrate Mimouna during a time of war involving not only Israel but the entire world. Since October 7, 2023, Israel and the Jewish community have been under intense global scrutiny due to the invasion and massacre of Israelis by Hamas, alongside the ongoing state of war in Israel and Gaza. There has been a significant increase in anti-Israel/Pro-Palestinian protests in cities worldwide, including McGill University in Canada, the Sorbonne in France, and Columbia, Penn, and Stanford in the US. These war-provoking protests threaten not only Jews but also innocent men, women, and children globally, jeopardizing the world’s stability. For a detailed analysis of the sources of geopolitical anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments, I recommend the work of Francisco Gil-White, a contemporary scholar and historian.

Our adversaries continue to hold over 130 innocent hostages and pose additional threats. However, the resilience of the Israeli people and Jews globally is genuinely inspiring. They persevere in the face of adversity, their unwavering commitment to peace and justice embodying the essence of Mimouna. It is a testament to the strength of the Jewish spirit and the universal Jewish pursuit of peace and harmony.

From Miracles to Human Responsibility

But while Jewish tradition prophesies a time of world peace, we consistently emphasize that Jews “do not rely on miracles.” This principle is underscored throughout our Torah:

“The Bible’s ultimate process is a movement away from visible miracles and public (heavenly) revelation toward a process of education and persuasion to get people to act properly. Increasingly, the historical outcomes are dependent on human behavior and the equilibrium of forces rather than on divine intervention. By the time we reach the Talmud, the Rabbis tell us that the age of prophecy (direct messages from Heaven) and of visible miracles is over. Such miracles are too ‘coercive.’ God wants humans to use their reason and emotions and choose to do the right thing out of free will and choice.” (Rabbi Yitz Greenberg essay: Do Not Rely on a Miracle: Parshat Beshallach 5781)

Embracing Mimouna

As I sit here among tonight’s festivities, surrounded by my loved ones, I am reminded of Rabbi Akiva’s wise words: ‘Do not do to your neighbor what you would not have done to yourself.’ These words are significant in today’s society, where the world remains divided and filled with discord. Let us all embrace the joyous atmosphere of Mimouna and reflect on its powerful message of hope and redemption.

May this celebration inspire all of us to work tirelessly towards a future where freedom and justice prevail and humanity can thrive in peace and harmony. We must remember that only our actions can bring about this positive future. It is now up to you and me!


  1. Gil-White, Francisco, et al. “Geopolitical and Historical Insights on Jews, Israel and the Battle Against Antisemitism.” Geopolitical and Historical Insights on Jews, Israel and the Battle Against Antisemitism.
  2. Greenberg, Yitz. “Do Not Rely on a Miracle: Parshat Beshallach 5781.” Hadar.org, https://www.hadar.org/torah-tefillah/resources/do-not-rely-miracle.

Passover in Israel: Reflecting on Tradition, Resilience, Gloom, and Hope in 2024

Deep-Rooted Traditions

During the solemn moments of the seder, we pause to ponder a poignant line from the Haggadah: “In every generation, they rise against us, to annihilate us, but the Holy One, Blessed Be, saves us from their hand.” Yet, my nephew, Rabbi Yair Silverman, directs our attention to an equally crucial line: “In every generation, one is obligated to see himself as though he, personally, had come out of Egypt.” For my parents, survivors of the Nazi Holocaust in Hungary, this injunction resonated deeply. For newer generations, navigating today’s turbulent times may serve as their personal passage through “narrow straits”: (The Hebrew word for Egypt, “Mitzrayim” can also be translated as “narrow straits”.)

The celebration of Passover is deeply ingrained in Israel’s cultural fabric and extends beyond religious observance: 95% of Jewish Israelis, whether observant or not, partake in the removal of “hametz”, leavened bread products, from their homes and engage in some sort of familial or communal seder: This tradition transcends religious observance just as 97% of Jewish Israelis uphold the tradition of circumcision for newborn boys on the eighth day, irrespective of religious adherence, underscoring our collective commitment to our Jewish faith and heritage.

Observance and Celebration

Central to the seder is retelling our story of escape from the domination and slavery of Egypt and we do this by retelling our story and consuming matza, unleavened bread, and bitter herbs, “maror”, symbolizing both affliction and liberation. During the Passover Festival’s seven days (eight outside Israel), the first and last days mirror Sabbath observance, with most work and schools halted and shops closed. The intervening five days are semi-festive days, with shops and eateries operating while most schools and workplaces remain shuttered: These intermediate days are known for a tradition of leisure activities such as countryside excursions and museum visits, many offering complimentary access throughout the intermediate festive days.

Most years my family has participated either at the southern tip of Israel at the Dead Sea or in the Northern Galilee bordering Syria and Lebanon. This year, the ongoing conflict with Hamas and Hezbollah has reshaped Israel’s safety perimeter, prompting evacuations of southern communities bordering Gaza and northern communities adjacent to Lebanon and Syria. Over 100,000 families have found themselves internally displaced, many hosted in private hotels, paid for by the government, for the last six months.

Due to these safety reasons, my family this year opted for a beachside retreat in Tel Aviv for two of the intermediate days. During our stay in Tel Aviv, we encountered some of these long-term residents whose displacement and suffering is rarely acknowledged in international media narratives of the current conflict.

Life Amidst Conflict

Despite the turmoil of an ongoing war, thankfully, traditional and mostly normal life persists in most areas of Israel. On April 24th and 25th, I captured moments of normalcy along the extensive Tel Aviv beachfront, with people strolling, jogging, cycling, sailing, and swimming from dawn to dusk.

Yet, the spectre of conflict looms. Over 130 citizens remain captive in subterranean passages in Gaza. The people of Israel unite in prayer and advocacy for the release of the hostages and long-term peace and security in our homeland. The eradication of terrorist threats remains paramount for our collective safety. Even amidst these challenges, our faith in Israel’s destiny remains unshaken.

Ancient Prophecies and Contemporary Realities

As a testament to our faith, I share a poignant video circulating on social media, citing a passage from the Talmud dating back centuries. It predicts a time “when world leaders, including those from Persia (modern-day Iran) and Arabia (likely Saudi Arabia), will engage in conflict. Amidst the chaos, Israel will cry out in distress, but divine reassurance promises a unique redemption devoid of suffering and subjugation.”


The prescience of this ancient text amid today’s global upheavals is remarkable, reaffirming divine providence and the enduring destiny of the Jewish people. As the world’s gaze intensifies on Israel, we are entrusted with a metaphorical microphone to share our timeless message of peace and unity. May we witness the realization of prophetic visions, where peace prevails, and nations transform weapons of war into instruments of sustenance and brotherhood.

For anyone wondering how the current situation affects the mood of the average citizen of Israel, I quote from this Times of Israel article titled ‘Rockets Red Glare Bombs Bursting in Air Passover 2024.’

As we approach the seder, the night of many questions, I am struck by the one question that has haunted the last six months. It has choked us for air, narrowed the passage of the esophagus, magnified the racing beats of the heart, made the dreaded lump of the gut ever heavier and left the most articulate dumbfounded. A simple question. A frequent and ordinary one. Suddenly unbearable.

‘How are you?’

In Israel, this baseline greeting of civil society has become the mourner’s mirror, frightful to look into. When trying for an authentic answer, one is left to confront themselves, as with the forceful wet slap of a wave that unsettles the balance of our precarious footing.

With the shock and trauma of grief, horror of the unknown, and fear of what is yet to come, one popular response has emerged. The beloved poet Haim Gouri, depicting the challenges of social etiquette during an entirely different time in his poem Bakasha- Request ‘שלומי כשלום עמי’ ‘I am as my nation is.’ This reply deflects but also expresses the challenges of the moment from within an awareness of our social context. The blurred borders of our personal and communal identities at once horrify and console. I feel as my neighbor and nation feels. As such, I am not alone.


Purim: Transforming Defeat into Triumph

As we approach the Jewish holiday of Purim this Sunday, it’s an excellent time to delve into its profound significance.

Purim’s Intricate Tale of Survival

Purim commemorates the extraordinary redemption of the Jewish people. At its heart lies the captivating narrative of Esther, chronicled in the eponymous scroll. This scroll weaves a tapestry of intrigue and twists of fate, portraying the Jewish community’s salvation from the perilous decree engineered by the infamous Haman.

For children, Purim is a joyous occasion with the opportunity to don costumes and revel in lively festivities. Even adults partake in the merriment, following the tradition “to drink till one cannot discern the difference between the wicked Haman and the righteous Mordechai.” Dubbed the “holiday of reversals,” Purim invites contemplation on the shifting paradigms of good and evil.

The story of Purim takes place in 369 BCE during the reign of King Ahashverosh over the Persian Empire. The narrative recounts the struggles of the Jewish people under his rule, who were oppressed by Haman, the Chief Courtier. Haman bore a grudge against Mordechai when he refused to bow down to him. Instead of punishing Mordechai alone, Haman planned to exterminate all Jews and seize their property across the 127 provinces. However, Queen Esther, Mordechai, and the Jewish community joined forces and approached the King, leading to Haman’s downfall and Mordechai’s rise to power. The deadly decree was reversed, giving Jews the right to defend themselves on the appointed day.

Each year, women play a central role in commemorating this miraculous tale by reading the Megillah in synagogues.

Esther’s Story in the Modern World

When examining Esther’s story from a contemporary perspective, not many resources provide the same depth and insight as Yoram Hazony’s “God and Politics in Esther.” Hazony’s analysis goes beyond the story’s surface, delving deep into its themes to reveal a powerful narrative of political maneuvering and power dynamics that remains relevant today.

At the heart of Hazony’s analysis lies the complex character of Haman, whose fixation on Mordecai’s perceived defiance sets in motion a chain of events that threaten the very existence of the Jewish people. Hazony meticulously dissects Haman’s psyche, illustrating how his obsession drives him to not only seek vengeance against Mordecai but also to orchestrate a genocidal decree aimed at eradicating an entire community.

While the decree casts a daunting shadow over the Jewish people, the story takes a dramatic turn with Haman’s downfall and Mordecai’s rise to power. Through strategic maneuvers, including issuing counter-decrees granting Jews the right to defend themselves, Esther and Mordecai navigate the treacherous political intrigue to secure their people’s survival.

As the appointed day of reckoning arrives, Jews throughout the empire stand firm in defence of their lives and livelihoods. The Megillah meticulously recounts the ensuing clashes, underscoring the resilience and determination of a people fighting for their existence.

  1. Now in the twelfth month, which is the month of Adar, on the thirteenth day of the same, when the king’s command and edict were about to be carried out, on the very day when the enemies of the Jews hoped to gain the mastery over them, the reverse occurred: the Jews gained mastery over those who hated them.
  2. The Jews gathered in their cities throughout all the provinces of King Ahasuerus to lay hands on those who sought their harm. And no one could stand against them, for the fear of them had fallen on all peoples…
  3. Now, the rest of the Jews who were in the king’s provinces also gathered to defend their lives and got relief from their enemies and killed seventy-five thousand of those who hated them, but they laid no hands on the plunder. (*1)

Hazony’s analysis also sheds light on the role of divine influence in the unfolding events despite the absence of explicit mention of G-d’s name in the Megillah. Through the deliberate choices of Mordecai and Esther, guided by a sense of duty and moral imperative, the narrative reflects a rabbinic belief in humanity’s role as stewards of creation, entrusted with the responsibility of safeguarding the world.

In Hazony’s interpretation, Esther’s story emerges not merely as a tale of ancient folklore but as a timeless allegory of courage, resilience, and the enduring struggle for justice in the face of tyranny. This narrative continues to resonate and inspire in the modern world.

Echoes of Esther: Unveiling the Distorted Narrative Against Israel

The timeless narrative of Esther serves as a poignant mirror reflecting our current reality. In this tale, Israel confronts existential threats, only to be unfairly maligned when it defends itself against aggressors. This distortion of truth resonates eerily with the pervasive propaganda that has fueled baseless accusations against Israel over time. It’s crucial to recognize that embracing such falsehoods only emboldens those seeking the destruction of Jewish communities, both within Israel and abroad.

The propagation of a biased narrative by entities like the UN, UNRWA, and certain media outlets perpetuates a cycle of devastation, shame, and anguish for all parties involved. Regrettably, some Western nations, including the US, Canada, and England, have yet to fully grasp the underlying motives driving this ongoing conflict — namely, the unwavering determination to obliterate Israel and its people.

Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese Christian immigrant to the US, has tirelessly raised awareness about the insidious ideology fueling the genocidal aspirations of Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas and other Jihadi movements. Through her NGO, Act for America, she underscores the urgent imperative to combat hatred and to steadfastly stand with Israel in the face of adversity. (*2)

Navigating Crisis with Jewish Faith and Courage

Our Jewish faith stands as a pillar of strength during times of crisis. By entrusting ourselves to the wisdom of the Torah, we find comfort and direction amidst uncertainty. The story of Esther emphasizes our unwavering conviction in divine guidance, which remains constant for those who pursue righteousness.

As we joyously celebrate Purim, let us fervently pray for the swift defeat of our adversaries, and may peace gracefully descend upon Israel, the Middle East, and every corner of our world. May the jubilant spirit of this occasion infuse our hearts with unbridled joy and optimism.

For those eager to delve deeper into the profound lessons of Purim, I extend a warm invitation to explore my previous posts: What Can Purim Teach Us Today?, Jerusalem’s Unique Purim Celebration: A Blend of Festivity and Tradition, CIJR Colloquium: The Iranian Question & Purim’s Lessons.


  1. Marcus, Yosef. “The Megillah in English.” Kehot Publication Society. https://www.chabad.org/holidays/purim/article_cdo/aid/109275/jewish/In-English.htm.
  2. “Act for America.” actforamerica.org.


Bearing Witness to the events of October 7 in Israel and the Diaspora

I have been following the conflict between Israel and Hamas since October 7, 2023. The ongoing war has had a profound impact on the lives of Israelis, Jewish communities, and people worldwide who support Israel, including myself.

My usual approach is to observe first and not react emotionally right away. This has helped me over the past five months to understand and explore all aspects of the current situation in Israel, Canada, and the U.S., both in person and through the media, without being overwhelmed by emotions. However, after five months of continuous observation, learning, and firsthand experiences, it’s time to share my observations and

Personal Impact

Since October 7, all the projects I had been working on were immediately put on hold due to the ongoing crisis. This situation led me to closely monitor mainstream and social media in Israel and Canada and join new WhatsApp groups. After five months, I have become more adept at navigating social media and have developed a critical eye towards the ideologies influencing news channels. While scientists are aware of their personal biases in research, few people are mindful of how news outlets may be influenced by the biases of their reporters or owners. This newfound awareness is a crucial benefit that should be acknowledged by all of us.

Francisco Gil-White notes that most people shape their understanding of reality and truth based on the information they receive from the media. (*1) During Hitler’s rule in Germany, the German people were constantly exposed to propaganda that demonized Jewish people through stories, films, and cartoons. One of the primary propaganda newspapers was called Der Sturmer. According to Der Sturmer:

“Jewish businessmen were often portrayed as doing almost anything to obtain financial wealth, which included ‘being a usurer, a traitor, a murderer.'” In the summer of 1931, Julius Streicher, the editor of Der Sturmer, focused much of the paper’s attention on a Jewish-owned butcher shop. When the philanthropic merchant started operating a soup kitchen, Der Stürmer ran articles accusing him of poisoning the food served. Der Stürmer criticized and cherry-picked every single price increase and decrease in Jewish shops, as well as their charitable donations, denouncing them as a further form of financial greed. *(2)

Julius Streicher was one of those convicted and sentenced to hang for ‘crimes against humanity’ by the Nuremberg court trial of Nazi leaders after the war because “he was found to have continued his vitriolic antisemitic propaganda even while he was well aware that Jews were being murdered.” (*3) Those who promote lies are just as guilty as those who commit criminal acts! However, as Francisco Gil-White reminds us, most people cannot judge whether their media presents a truthful picture of reality.

A Call for Nuanced Media Consumption

I have made it a practice to view many media outlets. In conflict situations like the Israel war, it is crucial to approach the news we consume with a critical eye. We should ensure that the perspectives we encounter are not inadvertently influenced by one-sided propaganda. It is also essential to consider whether our chosen news sources provide a platform for a range of voices, including those of Israeli sources and mainstream leaders of the Jewish community.

One sure sign of bias is when the media source consistently features pro-Palestinian spokespersons discussing topics like “genocide” in Gaza and “famine” without providing an Israeli perspective. Unfortunately, even usually reputable outlets like CBC News have been flagged for this form of bias, as illustrated by many posts by Honest Reporting, an NGO that monitors media bias against Israel. *(4)

Impact of the October 7th attack on Israel and the Diaspora 

Before October 7, many Israelis and Jews around the world had strong faith in the capacity of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to safeguard Israel. The State of Israel was established by a U.N. vote as a safe haven for Jews escaping the scourge of antisemitism worldwide. However, on October 7, this confidence was rudely challenged when all of Israel’s meticulously developed defence systems were breached and rendered ineffective along the southern Gaza border.

One of the miracles of October 7 is that the forces unleashed against Israel got no further than they did. They were stopped by ordinary citizens responding to the call to help and save fellow brethren wherever they were to be found.

I was in Israel on October 7, and I witnessed the remarkable assistance provided by Israeli citizens to over 200,000 Israeli families internally displaced that had to be evacuated due to threats from Hamas in Gaza in the south and Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria in the north. I wrote about my experience in “My Journey in Israel from October 7-12: A Chronicle of the Jewish Community’s Resilience.”

Subsequently, from October 12 to January 4, 2024, while in Montreal, I observed the mobilization of Israel supporters within the international Jewish community. This collective effort manifested in a powerful display of solidarity with Israel. On November 14, at the Washington, D.C. Mall, 200,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds congregated to denounce Hamas violence and antisemitism and offer unwavering support to Israel. Both Jews and non-Jews spoke eloquently, and you can watch the video below.


Montreal Federation Mission to Israel

From January 4 to 19, I travelled back to Israel as part of the Montreal Federation Mission of Witness to Israel. One of the most poignant moments of the trip was witnessing the devastation in the beautiful kibbutz of Nir Oz. Despite the heartache, it was an honour to be guided by a kibbutz member who intimately knew each family and their stories.

During our visit, we also toured Sderot City Hall, where we were shown footage of the October 7th attack, capturing the harrowing moment of invasion on Main Street. We heard of a tragic incident where a large family was ambushed, resulting in the loss of the parents and the children left orphaned.

Amidst the horrors, we also witnessed acts of extraordinary kindness as ordinary citizens risked their lives to rescue others during the Nova Festival and beyond.

Our itinerary included meetings with officials such as the charismatic mayor of Beer Sheva, who tirelessly oversees the welfare of evacuated citizens dispersed throughout Israel. We saw new housing developments intended to offer displaced families a semblance of normalcy, particularly for their children.

At Siroka Hospital and Ben Gurion University, we encountered groundbreaking research, including 3-D printing for reconstructive surgery and innovative apps designed to track and address the needs of displaced families.

We learned that support from the global Diaspora was immediate, providing financial aid and volunteer services for military and civilian needs. Volunteer-run centers, including nourishment stations and supply warehouses, sprung up to meet the demands of soldiers and displaced families.

Our mission also involved hands-on assistance, from bagging lunches, organizing barbecues for soldiers and even picking oranges alongside volunteers across the country.

Through these experiences, we gained a profound understanding of the challenges faced by these communities and the remarkable power of empathy and compassion.

The Hostages

The plight of the hostages remains firmly etched in the consciousness of Jews worldwide and Israelis alike. Over 200 individuals were taken captive by Hamas, with more than 100 still enduring the ordeal. In Tel Aviv, adjacent to Hostage Square, a vast plaza in front of the Tel Aviv Art Museum, a prominent digital clock serves as a relentless reminder, marking the days, minutes, and seconds that our hostages are still in captivity – now exceeding 150 days – since their captivity began.

Close by, there is an office building that has been dedicated to the needs of the families of the hostages. It is equipped with all necessary resources, including computers and communication facilities, where they can sleep, eat, and join together for support and networking to bring the hostages back. Here, they find refuge, sustenance, and solace free of charge, fostering a community where mutual support and solidarity thrive. These families have embarked on journeys far and wide, amplifying their voices on behalf of their loved ones. I have witnessed their presence and impassioned pleas during intimate gatherings at private homes and public venues in Montreal. This has been a sobering experience.

In Montreal, demonstrations advocating for the release of the hostages have unfolded in various locations, from the offices of the Red Cross to the steps of City Hall and Place des Arts. Through these collective efforts, a sense of unity prevails, underlining the importance of standing together, particularly in times of adversity.

Honouring Fallen Soldiers

It’s with heavy hearts that we confront the frequent announcements of young soldiers fallen in battle. Each day, the nation collectively mourns the profound loss of these brave souls who have willingly made the ultimate sacrifice. Our commitment to supporting their grieving families remains unwavering. Recognizing this solemn reality, the IDF has established a website to honour and memorialize those who laid down their lives in this conflict, and the website also has statistics collected daily by Israeli authorities.

I am grateful for my deep-rooted Jewish identity, ingrained through my heritage and upbringing, which has enabled me to navigate this crisis without being overwhelmed. When adversity strikes, our rabbis counsel us to bolster our spiritual practices—embracing acts of kindness, prayer, reciting psalms, and active participation in communal gatherings. All of these activities are potent supports.

Lessons of Resilience

Last summer, I went on a journey with my Montreal synagogue congregation and our revered Rabbi Poupko to visit key Jewish sites in Poland with our guide, Tzvi Sperber. We saw the haunting remnants of concentration camps, which illuminated the enduring legacy of Jewish existence in the region that spanned hundreds of years. Witnessing the resilience of our ancestors in the face of unimaginable horror, as well as their subsequent contributions to the founding and prosperity of Israel, instilled in me a profound sense of pride. It reaffirmed my belief that we will emerge from this crisis more vital than ever.


Amidst the events of October 7, personal pursuits were momentarily set aside, yet these faded in significance compared to the sacrifices of countless others. The illusion of invincibility shattered, revealing the prevalent anti-Israel bias of many mainstream media outlets. However, ordinary individuals demonstrated extraordinary courage amidst the chaos, fostering global solidarity as a powerful defence against ongoing hostility.

Our struggle for the return of hostages, coupled with our grief for the loss of numerous young and promising lives, as well as our continuous support for bereaved families, serves as a poignant reminder of the interconnectedness within our global Jewish community.

My Jewish heritage is a guiding light in these turbulent times, instilling resilience and fortitude within me. It strengthens my unwavering belief that, as we have throughout history, we will triumph over all adversity through our steadfast unity and determination to surmount any challenge.


  1. Francisco Gil-White. “The Paradox of Antisemitic Thinking and the Influence of the Media in Perpetuating It.” YouTube.
  2. Der Sturmer. Nazi Antisemitic Weekly Newspaper. Edited by Julius Streicher.
  3. Streicher, Julius. Editor of Der Sturmer.
  4. Honest Reporting. NGO That Monitors Media Bias.



Mobilizing Communities to Stand Up for Israel

The Israel-Hamas conflict, rooted in historical animosities, has sparked a global surge in antisemitism. Following the breach of the Israeli border and the unprovoked attack by Hamas on October 7, the international Jewish community has rallied together, mobilizing various communities to express solidarity with Israel. This unity was notably evident at the Washington, D.C. Mall, where 200,000 individuals from diverse backgrounds convened to condemn Hamas violence and stand in support of those affected.

The Washington, D.C. event attracted people from various communities, including Jewish and non-Jewish politicians, representatives from Black, Christian, and Iranian communities, and families directly impacted by the crisis. The atmosphere at the gathering was intense yet joyous, with a collective determination to denounce Hamas violence and provide support to those affected. A 2.5-hour transcript of the rally is available for reference.

In light of Hamas’ declared intention to repeat the October 7 attacks and their desire to annihilate Israel while holding over 240 hostages, our collective stance is centred on supporting Israeli efforts to recover all hostages. Simultaneously, we are committed to working towards the permanent elimination of Hamas’ power in Gaza, aiming to prevent them from orchestrating any future attacks.

Our resolve remains unwavering as we pursue these goals, united and firm. We sincerely hope that diplomatic and peaceful avenues can be explored to address the root causes of the conflict and pave the way for a lasting resolution that ensures peace for all in the region.

Pro-Israel students at Concordia recently organized a gathering to voice their opposition against violent Palestinian activities on campus. Julia Langleben, a McGill student, passionately addressed the rally, sharing her experiences and detailing the intimidation faced by pro-Israel students since October 7. A detailed account of her speech is available, and the Montreal Gazette has also covered the event.

Additionally, a peaceful protest took place on the steps of Place Des Arts in Montreal, aiming to demand the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Amid a snowstorm on December 4, I joined thousands of people in Ottawa to express our support for Israel and demand the release of hostages held by Hamas. The diverse gathering comprised individuals from various backgrounds, including politicians, community leaders, representatives from the Ukrainian, Persian, Black, and Christian communities, religious leaders from different faiths, and worried family members of the hostages. You can find the coverage here.

Voices of Support: Diverse Perspectives on Israel in the Current Conflict

In the ongoing Israel/Hamas conflict, various notable voices provide unique perspectives:

  1. Mosab Hassan Yousef: The eldest son of Hamas co-founder Sheikh Hassan Yousef, Mosab defected from the terrorist organization in 2005. His 2010 book, “Son of Hamas,” offers a firsthand account of his experiences, revealing atrocities committed by Hamas against prisoners in Israeli jails. He shared his insights with the University of Michigan students on November 29, 2023. Watch the discussion here. In the book, he reports that he “first saw the light” after a stint in an Israeli jail during the mid-1990s. At Megiddo Prison, he witnessed Hamas inmates leading a brutal year-long campaign to weed out supposed Israeli collaborators. During that time, he said, “Hamas tortured and killed hundreds of prisoners.” He recalled vivid memories of needles being inserted under fingernails and bodies charred with burning plastics. Many, if not all, had nothing to do with Israeli intelligence. “I will never forget their screams,” he continued. “I started asking myself a question: What if Hamas succeeded in destroying Israel and building a state? Will they destroy our people in this way?”
  2. Douglas Murray: An esteemed academic and scholar, Murray contributes a well-researched perspective on the geopolitical dynamics of the Israel/Hamas conflict. He founded the Centre for Social Cohesion in 2007 and discussed current deaths in Gaza during an interview with Piers Morgan on Sky News. Watch the interview here.
  3. Niall Ferguson, John Cochrane, and Stephen Kotkin: Esteemed scholars in their respective fields, they shared valuable insights on the geopolitics of the Middle East in a discussion at Stanford’s Hoover Institute. Their conversation reviewed the challenges posed by the war and discussed possible outcomes. Watch the entire debate here.
  4. Brigitte Gabriel: An American citizen of Lebanese Christian origin, Gabriel founded the NGO Act for America after seeking refuge in the U.S. following the Islamic takeover of Lebanon. Her mission is to raise awareness about Islamism’s challenge in America. Watch her perspective here.

The Price of Peace

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, the toll on human lives and the impact on all communities are stark. However, the Israeli cost of war is rarely mentioned in the mainstream media.

Today, on December 22, the IDF announced the deaths of two more soldiers killed during the fighting in the Gaza Strip, bringing the toll of slain troops in the ground offensive against Hamas to 139.

Lt. Shai Ayeli and Sgt. First Class Tal Shua

1- Lt. Shai Ayeli, 21:

  • Cadet in the Bahad 1 officers’ school’s Gefen Battalion.
  • He previously served in the Air Force’s Unit 669 and is from Ashkelon.

2- Sgt. First Class (res.) Tal Shua, 31:

  • Combat Engineering Corps’ 7071st Battalion, from Beersheba.
  • Israeli hospitals are currently treating over 10,000 seriously injured individuals.

In response to the events of October 8, Israel faced a challenging situation that required swift mobilization of resources to address the aftermath of the unfortunate incident. Immediate priorities included providing comfort to survivors, laying the deceased to rest, and relocating evacuees from the southern border to central Israel and Eilat. At the same time, due to the looming threat posed by Hezbollah from Lebanon and Syria, communities near the northern border were also evacuated.

The situation’s urgency prompted the mobilization of 300,000 reserve soldiers, presenting a formidable logistical challenge in equipping, housing, and feeding such a large force. The commendable sight of local and international volunteers supporting these efforts was noteworthy. An additional 300,000 Israelis willingly returned to military service, and global volunteers offered hands-on assistance throughout the country, including the essential task of harvesting crops left unattended during the crisis.

Beyond the workforce, the response extended to the financial realm, with millions of dollars swiftly collected from the general public, exceeding $60 million within the first month and eventually surpassing a billion. The war’s guiding motto, “Byahad Nenatzayach” – “United, we will be victorious,” underscores the imperative of overcoming a ruthless adversary that, for ideological reasons, refuses to acknowledge Israel as a cooperative neighbour.

While acknowledging constant appeals for humanitarian aid for Gaza, it is crucial to keep in mind that Hamas initiated this conflict, and the situation has been complicated by their lack of concern for their civilian population. Resources provided in the past have been diverted to constructing extensive and costly attack tunnels and training children in activities that run counter to fostering peaceful coexistence. It is essential to understand these factors to comprehend the dynamics fueling the current conflict.

During a recent press conference, Secretary of State Tony Blinken emphasized the need to address the underlying causes of the conflict and hold Hamas accountable for its actions. He stressed the urgency of disarming Hamas, stopping the use of civilians as shields, and surrendering to achieve a faster resolution to the conflict.

“One of the things that’s striking to me is that, understandably, everyone would like to see this conflict end as quickly as possible, but if it ends with Hamas remaining in place and having the capacity and the stated intent to repeat October 7 again and again and again, that’s not in the interests of Israel, it’s not in the interests of the region, it’s not in the interests of the world. What is striking to me is that even as we hear many countries urging an end to this conflict… I hear virtually no one demanding of Hamas that it stop hiding behind civilians, that it lay down its arms, that it surrender. This would be over tomorrow if Hamas were to do that.”

A Call for Peace

As we embark on the joyous holiday season, let us reflect on Chanukah’s timeless message, which transcends all faiths. It highlights the idea of breaking free from oppression, representing the victory of freedom over physical slavery and harmful ideologies.

Judaism and Israel have consistently aspired to preserve our way of life and actively collaborate to foster global harmony. Israel, demonstrating its commitment to humanitarian values, has consistently been at the forefront, extending aid to any nation grappling with natural or artificial disasters.

Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Ramadan, and whichever religion you practice. May we all contribute to increasing peace and harmony in our shared world. May we all witness the freeing of our hostages and the achievement of everlasting peace in Israel and worldwide. Hashta b’agala oo’bzman kariv – Speedily and soon in our present time!